List of Articles

Food Engineering Progress. Vol. 28, No. 4, 2024

Reaserch article
Physicochemical and mechanical properties of cellulose nanofiber-shellac composite edible films
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):263-270.
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Toxicological study of calcium from Jeju Lava Seawater: acute and 90-day repeated-dose oral administration in rats
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):271-280.
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Physicochemical properties and quality evaluation of white bread with “Baromi 2” rice flour as a wheat flour substitute
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):281-288.
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Isolation of Bacillus spp. from Korean fermented foods and their application in black rice bran fermentation
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):289-295.
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Steady shear flow behavior of commercial dark chocolates at different temperatures
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):296-301.
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Characterization of Bacillus sp. bacteria isolated from Chojeong mineral water
초정광천수에서 분리한 Bacillus sp. 균주의 특성 분석
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):302-307.
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Extraction of Terpenes from Sage (Salvia officinalis L.)
세이지(Salvia officinalis L.) 유래 추출물의 테르펜류 함량 비교
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):308-315.
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Pasteurization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and quality changes in clear and cloudy apple juice using intense pulsed light combined with mild heat treatment
광펄스와 열병합처리에 의한 청징 및 혼탁 사과주스의 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 살균 및 품질 변화
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):316-324.
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Antioxidant, whitening and anti-obesity effects of red-fleshed pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) extract
적색종 용과 추출물의 항산화, 미백, 항비만 효능 연구
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):325-332.
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Physicochemical properties of Betaone barley starch depending on starch isolation methods
전분 분리 방법에 따른 베타원 보리 전분의 물리화학적 특성
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):333-341.
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Quality characteristics of meat analogs with bracken powder
고사리 분말을 첨가한 식물성 패티의 품질 특성 변화
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):342-349.
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Changes in cyanogenic glycoside content of maesil (Prunus mume) and its chung with ripening after harvest
매실 추숙에 따른 매실 및 매실청의 시안배당체 함량 변화
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):350-357.
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Production of enzyme food using buckwheat leaves and sea tangle
메밀전초와 다시마추출물을 활용한 효소식품의 개발
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):358-365.
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Effect of starch addition and type on the characteristics of extruded products of floury rice power
가루쌀분말 압출성형물의 특성에 대한 전분 첨가 및 종류의 영향
Food Eng. Prog. 2024;28(4):366-375.
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